Monday, June 13, 2011

My TIFF #5

TIFF, ziua 8 / ziua 5 pentru mine:

Adem/Oxygen (Hans Van Nuffel, 2010)

V Subbotu/Innocent Saturday (Aleksandr Mindadze, 2011)

(Trailerul german e mai reuşit. Apoi, tocmai am descoperit că întregul film e pe YouTube, aşa că dacă ştiţi rusă puteţi vedea V Subbotu aici.)


Din APERITIFF, ediţia specială:
I first attended TIFF in 2004, with two short films, Liviu's Dream and A Trip to the City, when I won the Best Romanian Film Award. I get quite nostalgic when I think of those times. The festival was small, with a somewhat closed circuit, you'd get to meet everyone, including people you couldn't see in Bucharest for years. They were all there. Those pioneering days, when we were all starting out and you couldn't feel the pressure that even I am experiencing nowadays, are still very dear to me.
- Corneliu Porumboiu, My TIFF

(de data asta, nu am furat sintagma "My TIFF" de la el ;))

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